Pdf's can be printed in colour or black & white depending on your printer and the cost of toner implications. Using the download as is (in colour) is especially useful for your computer, tablet or mobile phone. You can also consider printing some pages in colour where it is particularly helpful or fun, but doing other pages in B&W to save toner costs.
When printing black and white hardcopy of Fever I (blue) & Fever II (red), use the extra pages we have added at the end of the file, rather than the cover & inside front cover at the start of the file - and the same with the inside back cover & and back cover. This will produce cleaner covers and use less ink.
Remember that you don't have to print it all at once, but rather in sections as the player is ready for. For school teachers, (Please contact us regarding an Annual Site License to get a group discount rate), this means it doesn't all have to be done on day 1..and can be done by a service student. If students use a binder, they then just add the pages as they go along, resulting in them getting something new as the year progresses. The only drawback would be that motivated students can't go on ahead, as they can if they have the entire book. My experience has been that students enjoy the books so much that they often dive right in.