Bobble Head Doll (I Want A)
Buck 'n The Trends - The "Legend"
Originally formed as a Polka band in the Disco era, the Trends decided to re-invent themselves as a Doo-Wop vocal group in the Techno 80’s. At the turn of the century, upon seeing the movie Amadeus for the first time, they were inspired to become a Country & Western group. It was at this time that they penned the single “My dog just died, why won’t you.” It failed to gain traction but still remains a favourite among band members.
Now, with rap and hip-hop being so mainstream, they have teamed up with songwriter Frank (Buck) Ludwig from the Legendary 70’s Rock band Trooper, to record a song inspired by their hero Rob Ford.
Sidebar: Buck briefly left The Trends to try and land a job with Biff Naked, primarily because he wanted to be known as Buck Naked, a position he had held for years.
Band Members:
Buck: Lead Singer/kazoo
Brock: bass guitar/zither
Bert: Lead Guitar/theremin
Bart: Drums
Bjork*: keyboards/Gaelic harp
*Bjork was known as Bink up until the “accident”